2011年9月19日 星期一

Chinese Language Tools That You Can Utilize

Learning the Chinese language requires your time and effort. Several individuals may find it pretty hard to understand. For this reason, it is necessary to discover ways that can facilitate easier learning.

There are tools that you can take advantage of to make your learning process enjoyable. The journey of learning the language can be easy and fast if you are enjoying the process. The fun that you get from your chosen method is a good motivating factor in learning Chinese.

Knowing the Language Tools

A Chinese electronic dictionary is the first tool that you can make use of in learning Chinese. It is quite convenient since you can utilize it to translate Chinese words that you come across with while studying. It is advisable to choose one that you can write characters with to search for meanings.

Do you believe that your MP3 player is just good for containing some of your favorite songs? Well, you might want to think again. You can also use this gadget to help you master the language by downloading some listening exercises into your player. It provides you an excellent means to be able to learn the language in your spare time.

Also, you can use DVDs and watch Chinese movies. This is a fun way of comprehending the language. A good way to promote your learning is to view the film first with the aid of English subtitles. Gradually watch it without subtitles so that you can evaluate yourself if you can understand the movie. By doing so, you can be able to learn new words to improve your vocabulary and identify the correct pronunciation.

Another tool that is available is the flash card. You have an option to buy a set of flashcards or you can also make your own. You can utilize this to review Chinese words in your free time to encourage retention of what you have learned.

It Is a Fascinating Language

For most learners, they find Chinese as a fascinating language to master after discovering the method that can work for them. It is useful with your everyday life whether in work or travel since it is spoken by billions of people. The plus side of studying Chinese is to come to understand the rich culture of China.

There are many resources that you can use to help you master the language. You can select from these effective options by considering your preferences. This way you can find that learning Chinese can be a pleasant endeavor.

Eithan Dickerman learned Chinese in Tel Aviv University where he was able to hone his skills in Mandarin Chinese. He specializes in techniques on how to learn Chinese and has been writing a lot of articles in the field. You can download his e-book guide "Learning Chinese from Scratch" for free here: http://bestlearningchinese.com/FreeGift/

Learning Chinese Trends and Developments

A quick question! Which language has more new learners than any other? When you think about it, it is no surprise that more and more people are learning Chinese these days.

Historically, there was not much incentive for learning Chinese. China was a very closed country. There was hardly any tourism! And most businesses, including those who imported and exported, were tightly controlled by the government.

It was next to impossible to get a visa to visit the country, unless you were doing business with the government. And there was really no infrastructure for those tourists who actually made the trip.

Most businesses focused instead on Hong Kong, where English is spoken, and relied on agents to help them transact any business in China. Accordingly, there was no need to go about learning Chinese in the first place.

The free market is governed by supply and demand. Because there was not much demand for learning Chinese, there were not many options available for those who wanted to do so. The only real option was a private tutor. And those can be expensive!

Oh, how things have changed in a few decades. Not there is an exploding middle class in China. Travel to China is now a realistic option. And in terms of market size and demand, it is the fastest growing consumer market in the world. Suddenly learning Chinese is very relevant indeed!

And because the demand is now there, the language education companies have been working to fill the gap! There is now the same choice in terms of Chinese language learning as for all other major languages.

There are a number of factors which you need to consider. Because internal communication and travel in China was limited between the various regions until the last 50 years, there are many dialects. Even more so because of the huge geographic footprint of this immense country!

This means that there are a number of choices with respect to dialect. That is too big an area to cover here, but suffice it to say that for most people learning Chinese, Mandarin is the dialect which will make the most sense.

Mandarin is fast becoming the de facto official Chinese language. Unless there is a very specific need for one of the other dialects you are best served by choosing to learn Mandarin.

Chinese is quite a complex language, and the fact that the alphabet is entirely different to the English alphabet makes it even more challenging. The best approach is to focus on learning Chinese conversation skills first, and be concerned with the written form later.

You will find some great online alternatives, which feature immersion modules to place you right in the middle of real conversations. More so than with many other languages this really is the fastest approach for learning Chinese!

The author has written extensively on linguistics and language learning. Discover how you can Learn Mandarin with relative ease and his recommendation for the Best Way To Learn Chinese!

Five Strategies To Learn Chinese

Chinese is known to be a tough language to master. This is because it is different from other languages. For this reason, some people have fears over not successfully learning it. However, if an individual can overcome this fear, he or she can be able to obtain the benefits out of learning Chinese.

You need to know some strategies that can aid you to master the language effectively. There are many resources that you can utilize to find the appropriate method that can best work for you. Your next step is to discover useful strategies to aid this method and learn Chinese successfully.

The Five Strategies

To facilitate learning the language effectively, you need to schedule a time to study. This may mean that you need to set time for at least twenty minutes every day. Consistency is essential to be able to retain what you learned. It is also helpful to do it at the same time daily and have this as a routine.

If you want to learn with the use of an online software program, take advantage of the games and other activities. This can provide enjoyment while studying. For the classroom setting, you can also take up outside opportunity though it may take some additional time. That is why; you need to keep in mind that learning a new language takes time and effort.

Next is to observe how native speakers form their mouths as they pronounce the words. You can do this by surrounding yourself with Chinese individuals and immersing yourself in their culture. By watching how they form their mouths and use their tongues, these have a significant impact on how the correct sound is produced. Moreover, you need to take note of the aspects of Chinese communication.

It is also best to find ways to master the language on your own. You may look for Chinese movies and watch it first with subtitles. Watch the film again without the subtitles to evaluate yourself if you can fully understand what you are viewing. This way you can be aware on how the words are correctly pronounced and facilitate comprehension better.

Then the most vital part of all is to practice. Take every opportunity that you have to practice what you learned for easy retention. You can also exercise your speaking skills by practicing often.

The Bottom Line

Follow these ways and find out that learning Chinese can't be that complicated. There are also other ways that you can utilize to be successful in your endeavor. Continue to enrich your Chinese vocabulary and enhance your speaking skills by giving your time and effort to learn the language.

Eithan Dickerman learned Chinese in Tel Aviv University where he was able to hone his skills in Mandarin Chinese. He specializes in techniques on how to learn Chinese and has been writing a lot of articles in the field. You can download his e-book guide "Learning Chinese from Scratch" for free here: http://bestlearningchinese.com/FreeGift/

Chinese Language and Esperanto - The May Fourth Movement

The generation of the May Fourth Movement aimed at a form of writing, which fulfilled the following conditions. It should be:

A) the same all over China,

B) a phonetic representation of

C) the vernacular language as spoken by the people

D) making the meaning of any word clear

E) and which was easy to learn.

The most discussed options were the following: One, an alphabet specific for each Chinese language; two, one alphabet with and one Chinese language becoming the standard for all of China; three, keeping the traditional characters; four simplifying the characters and finally five giving up Chinese and switching over to Esperanto.

Their dilemma has logical, political and linguistic features: Logically A can only be fulfilled when either B or C are not fulfilled. Linguistically, when B is fulfilled D cannot be fulfilled and if D is fulfilled, which is only possible through a logographic representation, then E is not fulfilled. There is no good solution possible and one has to make a choice among lesser evils.

Looking at the options this way, none seems any better than the other. If faced with a dilemma, one should look more closely at the particular circumstances. What is the one essential feature of a writing system and what are dispensable ones? A writing system has to make the meaning of a sentence clear, that is its purpose, the one essential feature, all others are dispensable.

Using this way of looking at it, the reasonable thing would have been to give up Chinese and adopt Esperanto. However, switching to Esperanto is not an option, as it would evolve changing the mother language of a whole nation. Option 1 was dropped too, as it would question the unity of China - no Chinese government what to put this unity at any risk. After these were dropped, number 4 - the simplification of Characters - looks as if it would be the smallest evil and therefore the best option.

Now what are the options of the newly formed Communist government? They could take 2, 3 or 4. Another option is to take two systems, both aiding each other in their shortcomings. Since option 3 and 4 exclude each other you can either take 2 and 3, or 2 and 4.

China opted for the complementary use of two systems. This policy was named by Mao Dun "walking on two legs? linguistically this is a case of digraphia. More specifically China, in the course of the next decades, adopted an alphabet based on Latin letters known as Pinyin. Its pronunciation was based on the Beijing dialect (option 2) as well as a simplification of the Chinese characters (option 4). As the graphic shows this was not a bad choice as both systems perfectly complemented each other in every point.

Once it was decided that the People's Republic of China would keep its characters, the writing reform got on its way. Between the 1950s and the 1980s several language reforms were implemented. This was achieved by several means. The main tool was to reduce the number of strokes. The result was a reduction around 16% in the numbers of strokes. Many of those new simplified characters were already in use as informal abbreviations such as? for the traditional character?. More radical simplifications or impromptu inventions were strongly opposed by the Chinese people themselves and in the last decades no greater change could be implemented due to the support of a conservative view on the written language by the Chinese people themselves.

The great success of China's alphabetisation also shows the wrongly underestimated capacity of children to learn any writing system. It also is worth thinking about how the cultural system of China, including the great Confucian emphasis on learning, developed together with this unique challenge of language. Today, the complex Chinese script, irreducible to an independent phonetic representation, should not be viewed as a problem that has to be solved. Instead, I want to suggest that beyond its important influence on the art of calligraphy and possibly painted art in general, the Chinese writing system constitutes a cultural capital.

The May Fourth Generation considered Chinese characters as pre-modern even archaic and wished to substitute it by a modern alphabet. I would like to suggest quite an opposite view. In their resistance to forms of reduction Chinese characters are quite post-modern. Their meaning is intimately connected to their tantalising complexity. Only in the last decades post-modern thinkers in the West have come to this realization too. Meaning is irreducibly complex as is life itself.

Would you like to learn more about the Chinese language? Maybe you are travelling to China or would just like to learn how to speak Chinese fast? You can learn Chinese online by following our highly recommended resources at http://www.checkoutchinese.com/

2011年9月18日 星期日

Chinese Language Tools That You Can Utilize

Learning the Chinese language requires your time and effort. Several individuals may find it pretty hard to understand. For this reason, it is necessary to discover ways that can facilitate easier learning.

There are tools that you can take advantage of to make your learning process enjoyable. The journey of learning the language can be easy and fast if you are enjoying the process. The fun that you get from your chosen method is a good motivating factor in learning Chinese.

Knowing the Language Tools

A Chinese electronic dictionary is the first tool that you can make use of in learning Chinese. It is quite convenient since you can utilize it to translate Chinese words that you come across with while studying. It is advisable to choose one that you can write characters with to search for meanings.

Do you believe that your MP3 player is just good for containing some of your favorite songs? Well, you might want to think again. You can also use this gadget to help you master the language by downloading some listening exercises into your player. It provides you an excellent means to be able to learn the language in your spare time.

Also, you can use DVDs and watch Chinese movies. This is a fun way of comprehending the language. A good way to promote your learning is to view the film first with the aid of English subtitles. Gradually watch it without subtitles so that you can evaluate yourself if you can understand the movie. By doing so, you can be able to learn new words to improve your vocabulary and identify the correct pronunciation.

Another tool that is available is the flash card. You have an option to buy a set of flashcards or you can also make your own. You can utilize this to review Chinese words in your free time to encourage retention of what you have learned.

It Is a Fascinating Language

For most learners, they find Chinese as a fascinating language to master after discovering the method that can work for them. It is useful with your everyday life whether in work or travel since it is spoken by billions of people. The plus side of studying Chinese is to come to understand the rich culture of China.

There are many resources that you can use to help you master the language. You can select from these effective options by considering your preferences. This way you can find that learning Chinese can be a pleasant endeavor.

Eithan Dickerman learned Chinese in Tel Aviv University where he was able to hone his skills in Mandarin Chinese. He specializes in techniques on how to learn Chinese and has been writing a lot of articles in the field. You can download his e-book guide "Learning Chinese from Scratch" for free here: http://bestlearningchinese.com/FreeGift/

How Learning Chinese Can Help You Get Ahead In Business

With the rising costs of labor and property, manufacturing has been moving eastward and is now firmly established in China. Whilst the west is experiencing economic crisis, China is experiencing an economic boom and is growing rapidly. More and more Western companies are opening offices in China having realised the potential of a market of that enormity. Plus many companies have now moved their manufacturing operations over to China to benefit from the lower labor costs and much more relaxed environmental and health and safety laws.

Western companies are increasingly finding that they are having to deal with Chinese offices or Chinese companies. Whilst many Chinese businessmen do speak English to a degree, many do not and many consider a Westerner trying to speak Chinese to be a compliment to them. You will often find you are treated much better if you at least attempt to converse in their language. If you are thinking about visiting China for business or pleasure then you definitely need to have some knowledge of Chinese as you will find in many places English speakers are scarce.

Chinese does have a reputation as being one of the more difficult languages to learn. With Chinese characters bearing no resemblence to the Western alphabets, it can be somewhat confusing and difficult for someone to learn. The language also has a unique cadence and sound which again, can be tricky for a Westerner to pick up.

One option to learn Chinese is to find a native speaker to teach you. In many university or college towns you will find Chinese students who will often trade language lessons with you - you teach them English and they teach you Chinese in return. This does work very well but sometimes it can be difficult to find someone to teach you Chinese, particularly if you are in a more remote or less cosmopolitan area.

Perhaps one of the best options is to learn Chinese through a program such as Rocket Chinese. There are many similar programs such as the Rosetta Stone series or Pimsleur, but these are very expensive and require a lot of effort on your part. The beauty of the Rocket Chinese system is that it is all online, meaning you can access it anywhere. On top of this, you get audio clips of native speakers speaking the language and can practise to ensure you get the sounds right.

This is a huge benefit as it will help to ensure you can speak the language correctly and sound more like a native speaker. The other huge advantage of this program is that it is broken down into easily manageable chunks that you can download to your iPod or other MP3 player, allowing you to listen to it on the move. This means you aren't overloaded with information or trying to bite off more than you can chew.

On top of this you also get access to a special area where Rocket Chinese staff, native Chinese speakers and other students hang out so you can ask questions and talk to people who speak the language. This is a brilliant way to further your understanding and really help make sure you get it.

Rocket Chinese has been designed to be an easy way to learn Chinese that guides you step by step through the process and ensures you understand what you are learning. It's a great way for anyone who wants to get ahead in business or even just wants to visit China to learn Chinese and start speaking it. With the continued rise of China as a nation, you can guarantee that the Chinese language will quickly become more important in the global economy and knowing it will help you take advantage of opportunities others will miss out on.

Want to learn Chinese in 5 minutes? Read our in-depth review of the Rocket Chinese method which makes learning Chinese as easy as pie!

Can I Really Learn Chinese Online?

Learning a foreign language can be part of your education, it could be a hooby or you could need to learn a new language for your job - perhaps your company has started dealing with a foreign country or been taken over by an overseas company. Whilst many people study a language such as French, German or Spanish, few, as of yet, study Chinese because it is considered to be one of the hardest languages to learn. That said, you can learn Chinese online through conveniently delivered training.

To learn a foreign language to a decent degree does require some effort and commitment on your part. Chinese is an interesting language to learn, with a lot of people speaking it across the world. As China grows into a global economic power, more and more people are looking to learn Chinese online to help them get ahead in their career, to enjoy travelling more, to help them get a job or to help them with internal business negotiations.

The Chinese language is based on a fairly logical and simple structure of characters and language, using different tones for different meanings to a word - a very different concept for many Westerners trying to learn Chinese. Learning to speak Chinese will give you a view of the Chinese culture and their way of life - and remember that China has one of the older cultures in the world. You can learn to speak Chinese in classes at schools or colleges or take private classes with a native speaker, it's up to you. However, for many of us who are just too busy, there is the chance to take some online courses to learn Chinese online.

There are a number of websites dedicated to helping people to learn to speak Chinese and the quality of them does vary. Most of these sites will give you some good basics of the Chinese language and a few, such as Rocket Chinese, will teach you about their culture and heritage as well, which gives an in-depth background to the language. Many of the online Chinese courses are audio and video courses taught by native speakers who can really help you get to grips with the Chinese language.

These online courses will introduce you to the Chinese alphabet, which you will soon see is very different from the Western language alphabets. It will teach you how to pronounce the letters and learning what is known as the Chinese Pinyin, which is the phonetic alphabet used when pronouncing the Chinese characters. Through this you will learn the different tones and start to understand how the Chinese language sounds.

An online course is going to help you speak, read and understand Chinese, which is your goal. You will become more and more fluent and by listening to the audio programs on your mp3 player, able to immerse yourself in the language and really start to pick it up. Online courses such as Rocket Chinese will start by teaching you the basics of the language and then gradually increase your vocabulary and skill, helping you to become more fluent and confident. With regular checks and tests along the way you can monitor your progress and see how much your Chinese language skills are improving. Plus this particular program gives you access to native speakers and other students which can further enhance your learning experience.

It is possible for you to learn Chinese online and it can be a very enjoyable experience. It's a great way for you to learn to speak this rapidly growing language and learn as quickly, or as slowly, as you are comfortable with.

Want to learn Chinese in 5 minutes? Read our in-depth review of the Rocket Chinese method which makes learning Chinese online as easy as pie!

Learning Chinese With Language Software

For those who have an interest in studying Chinese, using a language software may offer several benefits. Especially that learning this language may give you several challenges. Hence, it is vital to find an approach that is appealing, fun and interactive. This is where you need the learning software.

With it, you can make use of interactive activities as well as word games that can aid you to retain what you have learned. This can also promote to keep you motivated which can make your learning process easy and fast. Through it, you can interact with a Chinese speaking individual and is also an excellent tool for beginners. Therefore, know some advantages and what to look for in a language software.

Points to Consider

The first thing that you need to consider in looking for the appropriate software is the price. It is best to find a program that is worth for what you bargained for. Some may be cheap but do not give you a superior quality lesson and may not work for you at all. Make sure to obtain one that provides quality learning for the right price.

The next point you ought to consider is the format. Software programs with a combination of interactive games, traditional audio lessons and a practice test can be deemed as the soundest choice. Have these following factors in your choice of software program so that you can have fun while learning.

The last but not the least is to know the company's reputation. You may need to search about it and read product reviews to ensure that you are getting the right lesson. This is an essential aspect since the quality of the program that you will choose can have a significant impact on your success of learning Chinese.

Know the Advantages

Some individuals may fear learning a new language because they may find it difficult and frustrating. However, with this software, you can engage in fun learning exercises and exciting activities. This can change your view of learning new words and grammar as uninteresting to hours of fun while learning.

Also, this language software is designed to meet the learner's needs. It is prepared to handle difficulties that you may encounter while learning such as grammar problems or in conversation. You can also be assured that what you can learn is quite useful in everyday conversation.

It is up to you if you prefer to have the traditional method in learning or try this new approach. You may want to try language software program to see if it is efficient and if it can suit your needs. A variety of software is available for you. All you need is to search and find one that meets you preference.

Eithan Dickerman learned Chinese in Tel Aviv University where he was able to hone his skills in Mandarin Chinese. He specializes in techniques on how to learn Chinese and has been writing a lot of articles in the field. You can download his e-book guide "Learning Chinese from Scratch" for free here: http://bestlearningchinese.com/FreeGift/.

2011年9月17日 星期六

Learn Chinese For Chinese Speaking Jobs

Do you realize that when you know how to speak Chinese it can offer you job opportunities? Yes, learning Chinese can get you employed. As you may already know, China plays a great role in the current global economy. For this reason, if you're searching for a work in the international business or government, this certainly is an asset.

Being able to speak Chinese is an edge for you over other job seekers since employers and businesses consider this as a good qualification nowadays. So, what are the jobs that require the knowledge of the Chinese language? Find out about these Chinese speaking jobs and grab this career opportunity.

Chinese Speaking Jobs

The first Chinese speaking job available is teaching. Currently, there are huge demands of this particular job in China. This is deemed as the most clear-cut method of making a career out of your knowledge with the Chinese language. With the proper credentials and being fluent in Chinese, you're most likely qualified for this job.

The next job opportunity for you if you have the ability to speak Chinese is to work in the tourism industry. With the improving economy of China, Chinese tourists are also increasing throughout the world. For this reason, Chinese speaking tour guides as well as travel agents are quite in demand to facilitate effective communication with the tourists.

Another work opportunity that is very popular today is online jobs. This is because Chinese speakers are needed for jobs such as translation services, managing multilingual online community, and proof reading to name a few. Hence, with your skills to read, write and speak Chinese, you'll be able to communicate successfully to Chinese clients and customers.

Aside from that, if you are inclined to entertainment and media, you can have a career by joining the Chinese show business. Producers and talent agencies are often searching for foreigners who know how to speak Chinese. They can employ you to participate in their TV shows, commercials and movies which pay well.

Your Edge in Competing for a Job

When you look for a job, learning another language is a good advantage. Most employers want bilingual individuals since this can be an asset in the workforce. The Chinese language can offer you these benefits as China is making a great impact in the business world.

Learn Chinese now so you can get a career out of these Chinese speaking jobs. Find out effective methods to know how to speak Chinese. There are many available resources which you can use to make your way and reach success.

Eithan Dickerman learned Chinese in Tel Aviv University where he was able to hone his skills in Mandarin Chinese. He specializes in techniques on how to learn Chinese and has been writing a lot of articles in the field. You can download his e-book guide "Learning Chinese" for free here: http://www.bestlearningchinese.com/article

Why Learning Chinese Is So Important

What is the importance of learning Chinese? With China's enormous economy growth, it is now considered as the fourth largest economy in the world. And today, it is still continuing to grow thereby bringing in numerous benefits to the country as well as other people.

So, the reason why studying Chinese is important is that it offers opportunities to business aspirants, employment and for travellers. In this article, these reasons that we sited will be discussed further. Hence, take this time and recognize the importance of the Chinese language.

Important for Business Aspirants

In the Chinese market, your knowledge on how to speak Chinese is of outmost importance since most Chinese individuals use their native language. You need to take into consideration that the country's economy is controlled by their government. As a business aspirant, you need to establish a strong rapport with their government first. After, you also need to have a good relationship with business partners as well as the local people prior to doing any business.

This is where your ability to speak their language can be utilized. Equipped with your fluent Chinese, you can deal with each level and effectively communicate your business prospects to facilitate better understanding. Therefore, conducting business in China or partnering with their companies can be a successful endeavor.

Important for Employment

When you learn Chinese, this can open for new career chances. There are available employment in the field of manufacturing as well as teaching Chinese, translation, travel industry and interpreting. For instance, in western countries knowing how to speak this language can establish good working relationship with Chinese employees. Also, this can build rapport with other companies abroad.

And with regards to Asian countries, their economy is also growing significantly. Thus, learning Chinese can promote your chances of success in dealing with their job markets. You may encounter difficulties when studying the language but recognize the opportunities it opens for you.

Important for Travelers

Even if you just love to travel, you can also appreciate the importance of learning Chinese. A reason for this is that most countries apart from China speak the Chinese language such as Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore and Taiwan. So, if you travel to these countries you will not have a hard time communicating with the local people as well as read signs and directions.

It is really important to learn the Chinese language. These are some of the reasons for you to recognize its vitality and usefulness. Try to look for more benefits that you can obtain from learning this language to keep you motivated in studying it.

Eithan Dickerman learned Chinese in Tel Aviv University where he was able to hone his skills in Mandarin Chinese. He specializes in techniques on how to learn Chinese and has been writing a lot of articles in the field. You can download his e-book guide "Learning Chinese" for free here: http://www.bestlearningchinese.com/article

What Is The Meaning of Simultaneous Interpretation?

What differentiates simultaneous interpretation from consecutive interpretation is the flow. While in consecutive interpretation the speaker first delivers his speech while the interpreter awaits his turn to translate; in simultaneous interpretation the speaker continuously speaks, in a spoken language and the interpreter constantly delivers the speech into target language. Simultaneous interpretation works best in situations/ set ups where the continuity and flow are of prime importance. The interpreter orally translates this running speech of the speaker in to target language. Thereby, it is a more effective style of conferencing. In simultaneous interpretation, there is little or no gap between what the speaker is saying in the source language and what is simultaneously interpreted into target language.

The major advantages of simultaneous interpretation over other forms of interpretation are:-

(1) Increased effectiveness in communication at international events in which multiple languages are used.

(2) Significant savings of time and money primarily because the event proceeds at its own pace regardless of the speaker's delivery.

(3) Increased flow of communication as the participants can hear the speech in the original language without interruption or break in the flow while they are waiting for translation.

(4) The most important fact is that there is no break in thought. When we are speaking continuously over a subject, there is continuity in thought process. The speaker completes his speech/ message quickly, as compared to giving pauses during his speech, for interpretation. Almost half the time is saved in this process.

Simultaneous interpretation is a very challenging process if the interpreter comes without decent experience and expertise. In order to master this art, the following key factors need to be taken into account:-

(1) Listen to what the speaker is saying

(2) Translate it in your mind

(3) Render the translation into the microphone

(4) At the same time, listen to what is being said while he is speaking himself

(5) Be very attentive and alert

(6) Inculcate a very sound grasping power

(7) Acquire decent language experience of both the languages-source language and target language

(8) Have a decent subject knowledge

(9) Study the background or be prepared on the subject of the meeting / conference.

The interpreter has to gain the experience in the field of interpretation at different levels and he has to concentrate at every level. The success / failure of any meeting, negotiation, agreement etc. very much depends upon the efficiency and accuracy of the interpreter. There are no second chances in this field.

Article written by Mr. Ram Kesarwani, Director of Translation India - offers translation equipment and tour guide system for industrial visits from India.

Learn Chinese With Fun

Learning Chinese can be challenging especially to children. However, this can be a rewarding endeavor for them as this can provide them an edge over others who don't know about it. As a parent, you need to find out ways that can make their learning process enjoyable.

There are several approaches that you can utilize to let them have fun as they master Chinese. And this can also aid in letting them know the language effectively, easier and quicker. So, take this time and know a few ways to make your child's learning process an exciting one.

Movies and Music

One way to let them have fun while learning is by letting them watch movies. Although, this may not be ordinary movies since it needs to be in Chinese. You can be able to buy movies Chinese movies as well as English movies that have been translated to Mandarin. While watching this with your kid, you can pause it if necessary to discuss a new word and to make certain if your child understands what is happening.

Utilizing music is also another way to enjoy learning new things. You can listen to some Chinese songs with your child and dance to the tune. Often, music provides a chance to learn without really noticing it. Eventually, your little one can learn the lyrics of the song and enhance his or her listening skills at the same time.

Reading and Flash Cards

For some parents, reading to the child before going to sleep is a bedtime routine. You can also use this technique in facilitating your child to learn a new language. There are children's books available that contain both English and Chinese words. And if your kid is old enough to read, you can encourage him or her to read along as you read the story.

Another useful approach you can use is by making flash cards. With these, you can review the Chinese vocabulary each day. This can promote learning so that your child will become familiar with the wide variety of words and phrases as it is continuously repeated.

Field Trip

And it can help also if you'll take your child for a field trip where Chinese is used. You can go to a Chinatown where several people speak the language. Encourage your son or daughter to apply his or her learning by speaking Chinese when communicating with other individuals that you meet.

Do keep in mind that learning a new language requires your time and effort. For this reason, give your child time to comprehend the language to facilitate gradual learning. And you can follow some of these steps to make the learning more fun and exciting. Look for more information on how your child will love learning a new language.

Eithan Dickerman learned Chinese in Tel Aviv University where he was able to hone his skills in Mandarin Chinese. He specializes in techniques on how to learn Chinese and has been writing a lot of articles in the field. You can download his e-book guide "Learning Chinese" for free here: http://www.bestlearningchinese.com/article